Every reaction in the human body requires enzymes. These essential proteins play a key role multiple cellular functions in the skin.

Allow us to introduce you to the world of enzymes. 

The first products available containing recombinant enzymes of bacterial origin as active ingredients.

Each enzyme in the range is highly specific to a particular reaction in the skin. PB Serum products contain balanced combinations of specific enzymes and co factors which promote a variety of reactions and functions within the skin.

Aesthetics Medicine Practioners , Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in over 50 countries, over the last 10 years have relied on this growing, evidenced based, product portfolio to treat a wide range of skin conditions and to create outstanding aesthetics results for patients.

Professionals—Book a Call with us today to access training and products.

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Book a one to one consultation with our U.S. specialists to learn how enzymes can improve your practice.